Begin Your Running Journey With Individualized Personal Run Coaching
Couch to 5k all the way up to ultra marathon training plans.
-Free video consolation to go over your unique requirements, schedule, and experience. Coach Chris will then make a periodized training plan specific to you. Includes free access to the VDOT02 app, unlimited text, calls, email, and workout feedback. The plan will adapt and evolve as you do based on training adaptation and feedback. Coach Chris’ constant communication and feedback will ensure you are successful in whatever goals you aspire for
Individualized Online Coaching plus weekly in-person 1-hr training session
Everything you get with the online coaching plan plus 1x weekly 1-hr training session with Coach Chris. must be local in Spirng lake, NC.
Anderson Creek Club Group Training Sessions
This Summer, Coach Chris Will host two weekly group run and strength training sessions. More info will be posted at a later date.
Underground Running Events